Y: The Last Man - FX on Hulu

Picked by Digital Editor Mike Nam
Alas, poor Yorick! The title character of this Hulu series that premiered on Monday IS something of a man of infinite jest. Based on the widely acclaimed Brian K. Vaughn graphic novel, the story is another post-apocalypse brought about by a plague, a sickness that rapidly kills only those creatures with the Y chromosome. Except, somehow, Yorick and his male pet monkey. Yup, he's got a monkey for his magic act because Yorick, played by Ben Schnetzer, is a textbook case of arrested development who could have killed the show's vibe early on. But, he's surrounded by a fantastic cast of leading ladies including Diane Lane and Ashley Romans. Despite the admittedly bummer-tone of any pandemic-related fiction in these times, I'm hopeful the many complex themes about gender, politics, and the human condition that propelled the original comic book to success gets updated and a chance to breathe in future episodes.

Malignant - HBO MAX

Picked by Reporter Alex Vuocolo 
James Wan, the director behind The Conjuring films, has a fresh take on modern horror with Malignant. This is one where avoiding spoilers is essential (I refuse to share even one plot detail with you) but if you’re at all a fan of the more bonkers-end of the horror genre (think Frank Hennenlotter’s Basket Case or Brain Damage) this might be worth checking out. An out-of-left-field horror film unattached to any existing IP is pretty much a must-watch for this long-time horror fan.

Clickbait - Netflix

Picked by Producer Lawrence Banton
In my best DJ Khaled impression, Netflix has "another one" in its new series Clickbait. The thriller mystery for sure lives up to its name as the kidnapping of Nick Brewer unfolds on social media. Nick, a father to two teenage sons and husband to his wife Sophie, is seen in a viral video reluctantly holding a sign that reads "I abuse women" and "at 5 million views I die." You can just imagine how many clicks a clip like that would rack up in reality! Each episode explores a path to the truth about the apparent kidnapping and, even more so, the truth about Nick. It’s a ride with a number of twists and turns told through the lens of each family member as the show progresses.

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - Hulu

Picked by Sr. News Editor Dina Ross
Even though temperatures in NYC are still hitting the 80s every day, there's something special in the air that lets you know fall is on the way. In the spirit of crunchy apples, bumpy hayrides, and, eventually, Halloween, I'll be kickin' it old school this weekend with Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, which is heading to Hulu. The beloved stop-motion kids' flick has been around since 2005, but it'll be new to me. Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas is a family favorite in my household, though, so no doubt Corpse Bride should get me in the mood for crisp weather to move in and to buy some Halloween candy way too early.
Looking for more to watch? Check out our recommendations from last week and the week before.